Sunday 1 November 2015

The building of Team Skoda Racing

So with Matt away at the Tour of Southland, I (Brad) thought it was a great time to sneak on here and write about the team adventures over the last month. It's fair to say we have had one of our biggest months both on and off the bike. 

Off the bike
October started with the official launch of Team Skoda Racing. This has been in the planning for the best part of 9 months and its great to finally announce the partnership. Skoda have been a big supporter of cycling both here and overseas for a number of years. When the opportunity came up to partner with them it made perfect sense as we share the same passion. You will see the team supported around the country in the latest model Octavia wagon and Superb wagon. We have just got these back from the sign writers and they look pretty cool.

Our Team launch in Auckland where we launched the new kit and car

Also joining the team for the current season is a whole load of new sponsors to go with our existing sponsors. New to the team is Magellan Cycle Computers, Park Tool, Bontrager Helmets, GoPro Sports Cameras, Whipit IP Business Support and Onfire Design (Graphic Design Company). It's great to see all these companies share in our vision of developing junior talent.

At the start of October we had the official launch of the team at Giltrap Skoda in Auckland. This was a great chance for all of our supporters to get together in the one place and launch the new kit/car and talk in depth to some of our best riders. James Oram has joined the team over the last month (again thanks to a partnership with Skoda) as a mentor rider. This is already paying dividends with some of the younger riders and their development.

James Oram joins the team as a mentor rider

On the bike
We have been full gas with the two North Island teams series over the last month. At the Trust House Series we have had 3 rounds and have taken 2nd places and a number of top 10s. Going in to the round before the weekend we were leading the individual rider in the series, the U23 rider and the teams. We have most likely dropped slightly with the core of our team at the Tour of Southland. 

At the Dynamo Series we have competed in 1 round and took 2nd on the road and 2nd in the teams. This is a new series and it looks like there will be a number of strong teams here as well. 

Joel and Nick fill the leaders and U23 jerseys at the Trust House Series

Outside of the teams series we have had Connor Brown win 2 Oceania titles at the U19 level on the track, Matt has won a stage at the Bay of Plenty tour and the boys look set for a strong Tour of Southland with a 4th placing in the TTT prologue today. We look forward to the action over the next week.

Looking into November we have another round of both the Trust House and Dynamo Series then we head to the NZ Crit Nationals, Around Lake Taupo and Bike the Bridge. This will lead us in to the final team camp for the year and the Novice junior tour in the Manawatu.

Needless to say the racing never stops for the team !!

Thanks for the read and sorry about my spelling. No doubt Matt will be back on board in a few weeks with the inside Southland scoop



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  2. Great team ! I wish your team will archive more success in the future. Read more here.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

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