Sunday 3 August 2014

July Winter Camp + 2014 Racing Plan

The season is fast approaching and the guys have been putting in some solid miles. While the weather hasn't really made it that great for training, the guys are still managing to get out there and rack up the KMs. To boost the mid winter training, 7 of us made it to the Coromandel for a 3 day camp in mid July. We had all of the juniors attend from around the country and the NZ based senior guys. Based in Tairua, we did some quality training and it was a good chance for everyone to bond. We were lucky that the weather came out to play and we had two really nice days and one that was a little wet. It was a fun weekend and everyone came away with a sense that our little team can do some great things this year. There was a few we things learnt on the camp 1) Connor and Corbin's mum's can bake up a storm (cakes, biscuits and lasagne for africa) 2) Sam clearly never gets tired on the bike and no Strava is safe 3) Brayden & Connor are the jokers in the team 4) 185km loop of the Coromandel wasn't enough for Corbin & Josh so they did an extra 35km 5) Never ever play Monopoly with Matt.

 Coromandel Coast

Following the camp, we are still light on racing. 3 of us attended the Okoroire Funride in the Waikato region with Matt winning the race and both Sam and Brad not too far behind. We had our friends there from Avanti Bikes riding their tandem and its fair to say that thing can move on the flats…..
Callum also raced the 2 day winter Ramblers tour and managed to win a stage and finish 2nd on GC. Not bad as Wesley Gough won and he rides for the Budget forklifts NRS team.


Looking forward, we are locking in our race plan. The main focus for us will be the North Island Series. This is something we really want to support as it is the first team based series in the North Island. All of these races are based in the Wairarapa and consist of 5 races of around 150km. This is proving to be a challenge with logics and personal but we will be there with what we believe to be a very strong team. We have recruited in a few riders and its fair to say we have a joker in our pack. All in due course we will reveal the line up.

Coming up for us next is the Dynamo events winter series. This is 3 races in the Waikato region and and there will be a few of us attending these. Last year we won 2 of the 3 and hopefully we can be up there again in 2014. From here we will the North Island Series detailed above and the other big one day races on the calendar. At this stage there is no Tour of Southland due to costs. While we would have a strong team to contend for the win, we don't have the available funds.

Thats about it for this update. Thanks for reading and thanks for supporting us. We have reached 230 likes of Facebook and 200 on Instagram. Thats awesome in our books!!

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