Friday 26 June 2015

Knocking on Winter's door - The last few months

There’s no denying we’re in the icy grips of yet another Kiwi winter with temperatures dropping and fewer taking to the roads on those especially nippy mornings. The club racing scene here in Auckland is ticking over but takes a break for the ritual viewing of Le Tour throughout July. Although the call of the couch might be tempting, it’s worth thinking of the opportunities just beyond the horizon and holding on to the promise of warmer weather! For myself, currently enduring a forced break, I’ve decided to hit the keyboard and recap on the last few months with the Rolling Revolution (TRR).

In cycling’s ancestral homeland, TRR stalwart Nick Bain has been busy accruing success with a number of early season results. Riding for the Belgium registered Pro Race Cycling Team, Nick secured his first European win in the Ardooie Kermesse riding clear of a breakaway group and remaining in front with time to spare at the line. Having raced alongside Nick, this result comes as no surprise given his propensity to turn 10 seconds into 2 minutes! Other highlights include a second place in the GP Dussessoye Andre as well as selection for the NZ National Team. For more on the above you can follow Nick on his blog. Link below

Credit- DPM Photo
Back in NZ, the month of April witnessed the annual running of the Club National Championships which returned to the picturesque Hawke’s Bay after a two year hiatus. TRR came away with a number of top ten results across road and time trial disciplines. Alex and Callum led the charge with 5th and 6th respectively in the U23 road race, remaining comfortably in the bunch despite the challenging terrain. Though we were unable to nab a few medals, valuable experience was gained.

Across the final days of April, John represented the team at the Rotorua to Taupo Flyer; a race TRR has won the previous two years. With myself battling a cold and Sam unable to attend, he fought the inclement conditions by himself but was unable to finish as a result of a nasty spill. By the sounds of things it was trying day had by all and one likely to remain etched in collectively memory. We will be back next year for sure! Only a few days later, Auckland rider Connor Brown rounded off the month taking home the Connell Shield on our national day of remembrance.

Over Queen’s Birthday weekend at the end of May the team headed to the Powerco Tour of Taranaki having gone full circle since my first contribution to the blog. Powerco is an intriguing tour for several reasons which make it unique on the race calendar. The famous line ‘there is no need to go to Southland to experience all weather conditions’ espoused in the handbook generally rings true; last year being a notable exception to the norm. All weather aside, the timing also makes for an interesting field. Some riders target the event while others are found questioning why they entered in the first place. I’ve been on both sides of this equation and genuinely believe that like Southland, it demands that little bit more and should be treated accordingly.

Having walked away in the previous edition with two classification jerseys we were eager to better our performance. This time around the 30th anniversary tour replicated the route of 2014 barring the final stage which reverted to the same course used in 2013. My personal favourite is the first road stage which is a large rectangle, starting and finishing in the small town of Kaponga. I was hoping to make the break in order to defend the sprint jersey from last year and make up for the disappointment of falling one point short at the HUB Tour. Beyond those ambitions, a high GC placing for the team was of utmost importance.

After three days of racing with an absolute stunner on day one, the squad finished up with Callum third on GC, a stage win, myself in sprint and three riders in the top ten. We couldn’t be happier with our performance and the strong bonds formed out on the road.  The 30th edition was another well run race with a positive atmosphere generated by the competitors. I’d like to take the chance to thank Alex, Callum, Mitchell and Joel who rode selflessly throughout the tour to achieve our mutual objectives.
You’ll be hearing more about the new additions to the team in the near future.
TRR Powerco Squad 2015

That’s a wrap for today, thanks again to our partners in Nature Valley and Avanti Bikes. Bring on training camp in mid July! Until next time stay warm and upright.